
Saturday, April 11, 2009
~CSSPF T-shirt Arrival~,♥

Today I finally get my Cassiopeia Family's T-shirt~


Love it very much~Hope that one day I can wear this and with other cassiopeia find oppa~XD

DBSK is love @ 4:30 AM


Asian Goodies:
Please priced this for me in RM..
And tell me in the cbox


DBSK is love @ 4:04 AM

Monday, April 6, 2009

Today I ponteng sekolah~XDD
I need to go sembah my late grandparents!!Like what chinese call "hang ching"...XDD

Then after that..We went to Ipoh Parade..My dad wanna buy jacket..Go inside Parkson see dont have..Then I wanna go Popular..So they go Reject Shop see got jacket or not loh..I went Popular buy some reference books...I plane to just buy 2 books but end up I bought 6 books..=.="

I bought 2 notes type book..1 exercise book and 3 model PMR...XDD

Then I wento the Dictionary department see got Korean dictionary or not..Wanna learn Korean must have the dictionary mah..But unfortunately dont have!*sigh*

But I saw a Language department..Got Japanese,Vietname,Thailand,Cantonese,English,Malay,Arabic language...I quite dissapointed coz no korean!!T^T

but suddenly..I saw the corner right beside that shelves got hang some bags...I try 'geledah' that place see got Korean or not..See see got leh!!*YAY!*

Titile is "Learn to speak and know Korean Yourself"...got CD somemore..So I bring it along to the cashier counter...

Use up my RM65..T.T

Then before that my mum say a "chinese feng-shui crystal" keychain-->wu lou shape...
She likes it..But they didnt put the price tag..She saw the beside item cost RM25 then she's like "WAH..SO MAHAL~DONT WANT LAH"*runs away*

When she goes away..I ask the worker how much..She said RM10..So I planned to buy it as a present for my mum without her notice...
Then when jalan jalan..My dad dissapear dont know go where..So I take this opportunity says wanna go find dad but actually I run back to the shop and buy the crystal for her!!XDD

Then finish buy found my dad...Continue window-shopping...Suddenly I give my mum that crystal..
"Mum,Happy Mother's Day in advance"
She was like...
"WHY..waste money leh!!*in a smiling way*Then she ask..How much??Aiya..Dont waste money mah~I said never mind lah..One year once mah...She keep smiling only!!XDD

She wanted to hang that key chain with her car key..Then she ask my dad the car key..The she quickly hang it up and give back to my dad..My dad didnt realised that there is a new keychain!!XDD

Then I saw a pants..BLACK(my mum most dislike color)...Everytime I ask the black color cloths nice or not..She will immediately say "NOT NICE"
But today..She says "Very Nice"...In a happy way somemore..I was like "WAH..She's SSoo happy!!XDD"

Then as I said just now..My dad bought a jacket right?
After I buy my books I find them in that reject shop..My dad found his jacket and he's trying some t-shirt...My mum said..My dad want that jacket...

So I plan again to buy that jacket for my dad..Cost me RM50...

I buy for him as the "father's day present in advance"!!!XDD

I didnt tell my dad bout it..My mum is the one who told him that..Then my dad was like

"I dont want the jacket lah then...Or I pay her money back.."
My mum said "Aiya..Never mind lah..One year once mah..She ikhlas so you terima only lah.."

I see my dad face is like "I DONT WANT!"but I know in his heart he likes it!!^^

I'm glad that he's happy..

I brought RM130 out and when I come home left RM1.10 in my pocket!!T^T

Now have to start 'puasa' everyday in school to save up money!!!

then after go Ipoh Parade..My dad bring us go Jusco pulak..He didnt told me earlier..I first plan wanna go there coz I wanna go Friendly Record buy The Secret Code or maybe Sorry Sorry if they have..But when I sampai Jusco left only RM5..How to buy?T^T

But I checked..Thank God that this two album not yet arrived!!XDD

I feel so LEGA!!~
Coz once I come out..I'll rarely come out anymore..Coz I would stick to the PC when my parents wanna go out shopping!!XDD

But at least when I'm in Jusco I manage to buy myself Sushi~XDD
I bought a Kappa Roll and Temayaki(If I'm not mistaken)....
Yummy~(finger licking good!!XDD)

DBSK is love @ 2:47 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009
[4/4/2009]Taekwondo Grading-Blue 2,♥

Today I went for my Taekwondo Grading for Blue 2{Blue 2 taking to be Red 1..XDD}
This is my video that took by my friend!!
I made mistake when the combination kicks...I should do outter block,lower block,punch,pull back,turning kick,back-fist and punch..but I DIDNT PULL BACK!!!!*cry*

Credit:Ai-chin & Raku-chan..(thank you very much Ai-chin & Raku-chan..*bows 180 degree*

Please give your comment about my today's performances in the chatbox coz I dont have comment space here!!XDD

Thank you very much..
Good or bad comments are welcomed...^^

[P/s:SSooo happy that Sir says I can go for tournament!!XDD]
Sir-->I'll train harder to go for tournament..Although my mum dont let..Break her rules..XDD

DBSK is love @ 12:28 AM

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today as usual go Teakwondo class..with my bicycle..When I cycling home,I have to go through a bridge..When I lalu that time, all the vehicles 'zoom' beside me..Truly say..I got a bit scare also that time..But I pray a bit for God's protection lah..Then my bicycle's put water place there tersangkut my pants..So I stop down while no cars lah..Then once I stop down..A uncle like almost 60-65 years old over-cut me...While he over-cut,he 'krring krring' me...I look at him..I dont feel scare(thought him as stranger or orang bahaya)..Then I fix my bicycle..I continue cycling..behind that uncle...He go exactly way like me..I turn right he turn right..I go straight he go straight...I wonder "Eh?That uncle live near my house meh?No lah..Maybe later he belok kot?"....

Then when in a lorong like that..Is a housing area..I over-cut but not really over-cut lah..Is like he's in the left lane..I'm in the right lane...No one in front and no one behind...At the same time..He "Krring krring" me again..I look at him..He smile to me..So I smile back also loh..

When near my house..I should go through a lorong..but I go wrong way..So I U-turn and go back to that lorong..When I U-turn..The uncle belok masuk to the lorong I wanna go also...Once he belok masuk..A few secong later..I belok..But when I belok..O.O

He is SSSOOO far away already...I was like "OMG..That uncle so hebat"

I catch-up with him behind..I said.."Try to catch-up the uncle see how fast am I loh?!"

Then I cycle fast..When the uncle sampai the lorong that my house in..He belok masuk..
I was like.."Eh?Uncle live in this lorong meh?"

Few second later..I belok also..then I was like "O.O...Where's that uncle?As I know..All this houses here..Are indian and malay..The uncle(chinese) takkan live in here?"

The uncle is like suddenly appear and suddenly *poof* dissapear...

Once my parents come back...I tell them..

Mum:"Maybe the uncle sudah 'balik to his house'-->because the lorong that I and that uncle belok opposite is chinese graveyard..XD
Dad:"Maybe that's your great grandfather!!XDD..Because your great grandfather's grave in this graveyard...
Me:"O.O..really here..You never told me!"
Dad:"That time your great grandfather love to cycle also"
Mum:"How that uncle looks like?"
Me:"Wearing a white t-shirt white pants and an umbrella..."
Dad:*start telling the history*

I dont know wheather what my dad said is correct or not...And dont know wheather that uncle actually an annonymous or my 'great grandfather'..But I still thank you him very much for accompanying me from the starting till the end...*bows*

DBSK is love @ 10:53 PM


~Konbawa/Annyeong Haseyo.. Lizzie-chan des..I'm a HUGE [GIANT] fan of Orange Range/KCB/DBSK/Super Junior.. If you like them too,message me at the Cbox and I'll link you!>.<.. If you are member of these band..YOU ARE GIANTLY WELCOME HERE..XDD


Annyeong haseyo~Chaw Ner 송 제 조온 imnida~
I'm 15 this year(DOB 3/3/1994) and I'm from Ipoh...
This year gonna face PMR but I wont hiatus!!XDD But unfortunately..I'm hiatus-ing now..T^T Orange Range & KCB-sama..I miss you!!*sobsob*

♥ Chats.

♥ Playlist.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Credits.

Do not remove/change this, kindly credit me as basecodes(:

Basecodes: Zahra LOVE-
Image: photobucket
Cursor: Dorischu/Boomspeed