
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ORANGE RANGE no Ryo-san..

Hope you got all the best with Orange Range and the one that you love,care and miss..
I [I meant WE,fans] will always by your side..
Supporting Orange Range and Ryo-papa..
Because we love you..
Hope you be healthy..Away from illness so that you can bring us more happiness and kya-ness...
Hope you always love by the world,your wife,your daughter,your brother and friends..

And I'm sure you can do it..
You have us..
You are our Ryo-papa..
May God Bless You All The Time!

DBSK is love @ 1:11 PM

A very sad-ing day,♥

Today I stay back for study..
[And this will continue till the end of PMR]
I thought we have that Mathematics exam..
But in the Lecture Hall were afternoon session pupils..
I and Kit Yee blur blur..
Then we decided to go to the hall..

And there is where stories begin..
At the hall I saw her..
We are quite close..
And she is quite alone..
No friends around..

Beside me were big bunch of friends potpetpotpet-ing..
And especially Chi San who keep on teasing me..
I buat duhh~
Then Kit Yee also cooperate with her teasing me~
This also OK..
I dont mind..

I wanted to go to her and talk to her...
But I'm embarrassed especially when those busy-body people..
If I did that,sure they will heboh-heboh

Then Kit Yee asked me to accompany me her to toilet so I went..
On the way,She told me
"When that thing is fate to be yours..No matter how it will still be yours"
She meant that if she really with me,she will come to me..

And then when we almost reach the toilet..I walked terbalik..Then I saw her following..Coming towards..

And I was "OMO..She really coming"

Then I whispered to Kit Yee
"She is coming..She is coming"
Then till the toilet,in front the toilet's staircase..

And I sat on the staircase so her back faced the toilet..

Then she put down the bags and went into the toilet..
But Kit Yee is still keep on talking and talking..

And ber-signal her..
"Aiya..Dont talk anymore,,Go tukar baju lah you"

But she BAKA..She dont understand it..
And at last she went to the toilet but she already went...

I was like..
"DOUSHITE!!If not because of Kit Yee sure I can talk to her..."

I dont know why my heart is very pain..
I never feel this pain eventhough I used get sakit hati like this..
This pain is like different from usual's pain...

I really wanted to scold Kit Yee because of her idiotic...
But since she is my friend I just keep it in my heart..

Then I have the feeling pain till wanna cry.
So I went into the toilet crying...

Never happened to me like this..
I never sakit hati like this..
Usually when I cant talk to her I'll just OK..
But dont know why this time I really sakit hati VERY MUCH~

Even now thinking back makes me wanna cry..

DBSK is love @ 12:52 PM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The DAY of my life with someone~,♥

Some one awaits my post very long already..
I should post it now..
Or else??XDD

OK..Today I very happy coz I BOUGHT 8 Manga-s at once..OMO..Although it's expensive..But DAIJOBU.. XDD

Then when we are at the Jusco,first first we went to find Xiah..[We bought Xiah each colour each and then we exhange]
Then we went to kedai buku..I saw the manga I cant let go them I bought ALL that I dont have..I main ambil like no need to pay only!XDD
But at last it cost me RM39.00..
*Shh..Dont tell my parents*
Then we went to find OR..But the MAK CIK kedai say TAKDA!T^T
Then we went to MPH..I bought a Japanese Dictionary..Wanna learn Japanese to contact with OR and DBSK..XDD
Then I went to the shop sells Nail Polisher..
They got tester for us to test..I saw t he black one..Wanted to buy but stopped by Raku-chan with the reason MAHAL..T^T
And then we saw one got stars one..We play play..We puy some on the nail and *runs off*..
While that time the sales girl was standing watching us beside me~XDD..
I first first plan to put fully nail but since people peaking..

And then I made sushi..YUMMY..Oishii deshou..Now I know how to do it so that I can do at home next time..But only I dont habe that thing to roll the sushi..=.="
Gotta buy it later~XDD

OK..This is a HIMITSU..Dont tell anyone...Dont let anyone read!
I went to RAKU-CHAN's house today..I first first wanted to wear a sleeveless shirt[aka Tube] and wear a jacket on..
But after that I changed my mind..
But I felt kinda regret..
At Jusco..I almost nosebleed..Coz you know my 'penyakit'..
And also at Raku-chan's house..Her bro's friend..
From fizikal look memang menepati syarat liao..

CANNOT..Must utamakan STUDIES..
But sometimes KYA for hot guys OK one..

We made sushi together..We laughed alot during it..We always relates the movie "Saw 3" with it coz when we cut the sushi..The surrounding is so quiet so we can hear the 'shi sha shi sha' sound..Like cutting using saw..XD

Then after that WHAT ELSE??ITADAKIMASU!!
*ngap ngap*
*thumbs up*

Then after that I polish my nail..WITH BLACK..
[I imitates Yoh-papa..>0<]
But hor..My third finger special leh.Got butterfly..XDD

Then I balik liao~

DBSK is love @ 6:00 AM

Monday, September 21, 2009
Yoshito Usui,Shin Chan creater passed away..,♥

Body Identified as Crayon Shin-chan's Yoshito Usui (Update 2)
posted on 2009-09-20 10:21 EDT
Publisher says manga's "future publication is to be determined"

On Sunday, authorities have identified the body discovered at Arafune mountain as that of missing Crayon Shin-chan manga creator Yoshito Usui through dental records and other means.

The body was discovered 120 meters below the mountain's Tomoiwa cliff and reported at about 10:25 a.m. on Saturday by a male climber. Usui's backpack, camera, and other items had fallen about 50 meters away. Inside Usui's backpack was his mobile phone, wallet, and clothes. A police helicopter from Gunma Prefecture airlifted the body on Sunday afternoon. Police from the nearby town of Shimonita concluded that the 51-year-old creator died from collapsed lungs and other injuries sustained across his entire body sometime in the afternoon of September 11.

According to Usui's family, Usui had said that he was "going hiking for a day in Gunma Prefecture," as he often did, on the morning of September 11. His mobile phone was last detected in the vicinity of Karuizawa, a town about 100 kilometers (about 60 miles) northwest of his Kasukabe home, on Monday. Karuizawa is located in the mountainous eastern part of Nagano Prefecture, near the border of the equally mountainous Gunma Prefecture.

In particular, Usui was said to have expressed his intent to climb the Arafune mountain, which towers 1,422 meters (4,665 feet) high at the border between Nagano and Gunma Prefectures. According to Gunma Prefecture's police, there are no guardrails near the top of Tomoiwa cliff, but the established climber's trail is too far from the cliffside for someone to fall. Authorities had been searching this area since his wife reported his disappearance on September 12, after he did not return the night before.

The editorial staff at Futabasha's Manga Town magazine has stated on Sunday night that the "future publication [of Crayon Shin-chan] is to be determined." Futabasha said it was "going through great shock, now that the worst outcome has come to past. There are no words to express the anguish of the surviving family, but we just pray for his happiness in the next world."

Source: Mainichi Shimbun (link 2), Sankei Shimbun, animeanime.jp

Yoshito-san...My collection of your manga will never complete now..T^T
But somehow I still hope that you REST IN PEACE..
Always Keep Your Manga-s...


DBSK is love @ 5:25 AM

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Another Happy day~^^,♥

Today as usual..
Go Taekwondo with my 'sport car'...
And then...
Luckily today I got all the fees to give our instructor..
If not..I'm dead*phew*

I'm not here to talk bout this lah..
And then after class..
I went to Raku-chan's house to study..
But sampai her house her mother is not at home..
Go market already..So we just wait her come home cook and while then we Kya~ awhile...
Watch DBSK..Then talk talk Orange Range..
Then her mother come home,cook...

Finish cooking..We eat..
Then we [Raku-chan,her lil' bro and me]pack our stuff and Yosh!
To the Swimming Club...

Until they hor..
Raku-chan's mother sign me in there as a guest..
P/s:Her mother write my name 'MISS' XXX XX XX...[Censored my name]XD
LOl..Got the 'miss'..XDD

I felt so impressive when masuk there,,Before this I thought here will be just swimming stuff..ABut actually it got many facilities..Got Gym,Tennis/Ping Pong/Badminton/Squash court..

Then we go mandi kao kao[Because after Taekwondo we haven't bath..><"]..
Her brother pulak dont know go where..Say wanna play water..but dont know go where already..

Enter the bathroom..
I lived for 15 years in this world never ever went to a place like this before...
Hontoni Sugoii~
Inside there for me got lil' bit like Japanese Bathroom[like what I always watched in TV]
Plus on..Luckily that time the whole bathroom no one..
Only both of us!>0<

Then mandi...*singing while bathing..LOL..just joking..*

Finish come out..
Now head to next destination..
We walked to the reading room..
On the way..We will pass by the pool[swimming place sure got pool one lah]
When the light reflects on the water and turns out a blue light,gimme a Summer Dream or Hi Ya Ya feel...XDD

Go study loh then..Then her bro..Keluar masuk and keluar masuk..Kacau Raku-chan then keluar balik..LOL...
But actually I thought he says wanna come here study also[but then why is he bringing Shin Chan Comics..><]

So fun leh..We study together..*Mukyaaa~*

Her brother none stop saying 'Tea Time!"
We set the alarm 3.30pm for Tea Time..With JaeJoong's ringtone..

At last..Finally her brother manage to get his 'Tea Time'..
We go the "cafeteria' and order one dozen[if Im not mistaken] of Tuna Sandwich..
Then he bro tal cukup makan and go order another 'Wa Tan Hor'..XDD

Then later sambung balik study..
And firstly I study Geography..Then I changed it to Mathematic and finally I'm with History..LOL...
[Changed like Transformer><]

Till 5-ish pm..We go home...
Then I rest awhile at her house..[Watching Tai-Chi,a Hong Kong drama]

The I see the sky like wanna rain..[but finally one drop of water also dont have..DARN hot got lah]
So I chao..

Luckily on the way back everything goes very well..
And one thing when I arrive at a place[lazy wanna type]
I think a car where I think is Senior Fauzan..But I'm not sure because not really clear coz the car was moving mah..
That car was the car like my instructor's...
So dont know lah..

I only know a few things now:
1)Me very happy because I can enter the swimming club
2)Very happy when at her house
4)Thanks Raku-chan and families..^^
3)I want to sleep now!*yawn*


DBSK is love @ 7:03 AM


~Konbawa/Annyeong Haseyo.. Lizzie-chan des..I'm a HUGE [GIANT] fan of Orange Range/KCB/DBSK/Super Junior.. If you like them too,message me at the Cbox and I'll link you!>.<.. If you are member of these band..YOU ARE GIANTLY WELCOME HERE..XDD


Annyeong haseyo~Chaw Ner 송 제 조온 imnida~
I'm 15 this year(DOB 3/3/1994) and I'm from Ipoh...
This year gonna face PMR but I wont hiatus!!XDD But unfortunately..I'm hiatus-ing now..T^T Orange Range & KCB-sama..I miss you!!*sobsob*

♥ Chats.

♥ Playlist.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Credits.

Do not remove/change this, kindly credit me as basecodes(:

Basecodes: Zahra LOVE-
Image: photobucket
Cursor: Dorischu/Boomspeed