♥Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hi Hi~,♥
I've lost count the day I post my previous post~!
Sorry everyone...
making my blog boring!!*drolls*
Well...Today is Friday..
And I'm not going to school today...
Coz today no school~XDD
To be specific..
I didnt go 3 days school(including today) for this week..XDD
Me lazy bumb..
Later 10am..I'm going to Ipoh Parade with Angela,Kit Yee and maybe Angela's 'BROTHER'...XDD
Yesterday I called the CD in Ipoh Parade asking for Break Out and they say "not yet out"
Kyaaa...I was dont know how many weeks already since the day the Break Out single been release in Japan...
I know they will be difference about the releasing date from Japan with here..
Shouldn't I take this long isn't?
Hope later I go see got any other DBSK or any Korean-related XD/DVD or not first..
Hope they have the KM Melon Award/MAMA..
Then one more thing..
Yesterday my school..
for the non-muslim have a like personality quiz..
My result is..
Bla Bla Bla Bla(not important)
I always like this kind of quiz because it really really match with me..
Because what I get for one aspect which is 'Self-Critic' is 70% which means high..
Teacher says 'Who got this result make sure you come a see us, counseling teachers."
I was thinking that time.."Wow..FREAKING RIGHT,man"
The teacher also says.."Those people who get this make sure you dont do anything harm yourself"
Then when we leaving..I purposely go to teacher and like "Teacher..My self-Critic 70%"
Then teacher was like so nervous and..
"Ish Lai Sze...You must be careful..When you face problem,dont do you know lah..OK?Come and see us if any problem..OK Lai Sze?OK?"
Then I said "OK..OK"
But actually inside my heart I so wanna tell teacher..
"Teacher..Actually I used to attempt suicide..I do even cut myself"
But this words couldn't come out from my mouth...
So..I just let it be..
Now we go to the happy thing..
A day before yesterday I went to SNS to check my computer...
Then they ask to leave the computer for them to check..
On the next day..
I was so nervous to receive their call saying my computer is OK now..
Whole day looking at my handphone ,waiting for call..
And at last..XDD
When I arrive there..No workers..(All out for lunch I think)
Then only got one pretty sister there..
I tell her and give her the receipt...
She bring my CPU out then switch it on asking me to check..
I found got 3 new files then I ask her lah..
She also dont know what it is..
Then coincidentally..
Got 2 guy..
I think is the mechanical one lah..
Came up and then she ask him lah..
They come and explain to me...
Then one of the guy ask me..
"You got go to RedTube website kah??"
Then myself thinking..
"RedTube??Not Youtube kah??"
Then came across my mind was all the 18+ website..
You know what I mean lah...>0<"
P/S:I didnt go ar..Dont think wrongly ar!!
Then I asnwer him "No.."
He also *nodd nodd*
Then all over my desktop were DBSK Performance Video..
He asked me again "Where you download videos??"
I said "At a blogspot page"
then he *nodd nodd* again..
Then ask me somemore "You got play Facebook?"
*nodd nodd*
Then at last..
Signing the form..
He asked me to sign..
So I sign..
Then he said "Write the date also so we know when you took"
Then I write the date..
Then he said "Write your IC number too because here writen IDCN"
So I write my IC Number..
Then he said "Write your facebook email also"
Then I was like "Nanda!!"
Then we burst into laugh...>0<
My dad ar..Ask him come and help me he ask me "DO IT YOURSELF"
Ish..I asked him take the CPU go up also I need to like kneel down and beg him"
He always like that..
Everytime need his help he will run away..
No should say he MUST will run away...
When he need us..We will be his side..
What a person!!=.="
Yesterday pulak..
I watch back all the last last performance of DBSK..
I watch their debut performance..
Where they sang/danced Hug at BoA and Britney Spears showcase..
First first the audience reaction was like "Who are they??"
But at last..
*big applause and crowd noice*
And one thing which is our now Xiahnism/Xiahzart in this video..
He dance dance dance dance..
Until the chorus he dance wrongly..
Then he sneak peek behind(since he standing at the most front)
to catch up back the dance steps..
But I was so OBVIOUS!!~
That exposes that they are lip-syn-ing and it's embarrassing though~
But it OK then..
I kyaa alot for their last performance~
I MISS THEM!~*sobs*
DBSK is love @ 8:23 AM
♥Wednesday, February 17, 2010
ChangMin Yah~,♥
DBSK is love @ 7:57 AM
♥Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year, everyone?!~!~
Today is the 3rd day of Chinese New Year..
As usual..
Wake up and play computer...
Then suddenly..
My dogs bark so fiercely..
I was like..
"OMO..Who come??"
It's YingYing and ManYee..
Some one is behind??
Is my aunt and uncles and my 2 cousin brothers...
I first first start gagap already see-ing them...
Because they are so ikemen~!!
You know lah my disease start effecting when I see ikemens...
Then get angpau!~(hehehe)
Then play play play with my cousin sisters...
(They turn my room upside down...>0<")
Then I,Ying Ying and my 2 cousin brothers kacau the youngest among us~!
XDD You know??
The younger brother is SSOO tall...
Taller than me almost 1 and a half my head..=.="
I told him..
"You are like my friend...But my friend is a girl.."
Then he said "Wah..Dangerous lah if girl this tall"
*Mian-ne DanDan..Dont be sad*
First first I talk to them I was "Ni..N..Ni..Ha..Hao....."
Then lama-lama become smoother...
Wish they can stay here longer...
*Can kacau the 'magnae'*~XD
But they all going back to Singapore today!~
But Im sure they are coming back this year~!
See You People Again Next Year!!
DBSK is love @ 8:11 PM
♥Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I wish I have money so that I can fly to korea RIGHT NOW AT THIS SECOND..
for your mozart...
But I'm afraid I will face heart attack???
You know why...
That's right..
Because of THAT!!!
You know when I saw that picture you really give me heart attack??
Almost fainted??
Dongsaeng cant take surprises..
Especially this kind of surprises...
But somehow..
I already expect this will happen because the story line is like this~But..
잘 모릅니다...
Some of you maybe asking what am I saying isn't??
Now I tell you...
But before that!!
Rules And Regulations!!!!
~>Not underage!!(I dont want to spoil the kids~XDD)
~>You are in a place where no KIDS!
~>You are in a place where no people bcoz you may SCREAM!(This happen to me!)
~>Prepare Panadol or Minyak Cap Kapak(Optional)
OK...All prepared???
Now proceed....
What's your feeling.??
For me...
I feel like jumping off the window and also hardily gasping for air...
And none stop OMG-ing???
If you face the same..
You are normal...
The solution to cure this is...
Play any R&B or Rock song by TVXQ~
~>Purple Line
~>Rising Sun
~>The Way You Are
~>Get Me Some
Dont choose Mirotic..You'll get worse...
Hope this may bring you a 'GOOD' day!XD
DBSK is love @ 9:09 AM
♥Friday, February 5, 2010
Happy 25th Birthday!!,♥
..:생일 축하합니다 옵바:..
It's another big day after JaeJoong oppa's big day~
Eventhough Im busy recently..I'll still NOT gonna forget this day~
Oppa..How are you??Im wondering if you are resting or busying for the new single Break
Ohya..I want to congrats oppa becase Break Out got the 1st place in Orican Chart again..
For daily, weekly and monthly chart~
I really LOVE this single alot..
Minna grown up ALOT....XDD
We havent meet each other since the last time I saw oppa in AADBSK 3..
I miss oppa...
Me..As a cassiopeia...want to wish oppa...
..:Have a great day,Far away from sickness or any injuries..Oppa know?That oppa's
Heading to the Ground is gonna be air on my place's TV station..Im looking forward it
SSSOO much:..
Oppa...I really want to meet you...Want to know about oppa's recents~
And oppa...Dong Bang Shin Ki will not disband right??*smack self..I should say this
Mian-ne oppa!!><"
As a conclusion oppa...
Happy 25th Birthday~!!
Oppa must be happy always and Ganbateh for your work...
Be healthy and make sure you get enough rest if not..
We cassiopeia are the one who feel the pain~ >0<
*Hug Oppa*
당신을 사랑합니다!!
Always Keep The Faith!!
The day oppa still have the 'vampire' teeth~
We miss this joy so much~
Look at the eyes~
Yunho's 할머니..What a good 손자...
We'll easily get addict with this action!!
And look at how innocent oppa is?
And later oppa got more to "sexy concept" not "chest concept"...
Which kills many fan..>0<
Emotions of Jung YunHo oppa~
YunJae Couple!~*Kyaa*
Is this Mr Cook King??It looks so..Gotta find this video out~
Besides that..See how happy they are before~
And this too...Where's this from Im wondering~XDD
P/s:I dont think JaeJoong oppa will have this respond now anymore!!Because he is...Hmmm....
Close to them..
Even 'papparazi' the members naked pic!!
Oppa...Dont kill me..MIAN!~~~
*runs off~XDD*
P/s: Credits go to the owner of the respectives...
DBSK is love @ 7:47 AM