
Friday, January 30, 2009
I'm speechless..,♥

Like usual Saturday,Taekwondo day!Everyone in my family(including my puppy) knows I'm having Taekwondo class!!
But everyweek I gotta tell them(my parents) having this having that!And when I tell them(I mean my mum)...She'll says "No need go..You help me in shop!"...I told her I cant coz more than 3 times absent,I'm out from the school club and Im 'club-less'...Then my cocuriculum marks are 'hangus'...And joining Taekwondo can help me masuk Universiti(maybe) easily...

You know what she says??
"DONT BLUFF...Masa I dulu mana ada such thing??You dont try to fool me!!"

Hello!!Dulu and now!10 time differentlah wei!Dont they know?Even comparing the price also she should knows the different lah?Right???

Everyweek I'm having the same problem!
Then she start saying all the stuff that as if I'm wrong!
Yeah I know Im quite wrong not helping her..but what to do?I'm still in school-time!
What she want me to do?Stop my schooling and help her work?
Even all the pupils work also as part-time!!If cannot work tell the boss the boss will give exception to them!
Ini tidak!
People holiday I work..People enjoy and suffer...And this 2 days(consider still CNY) I worked till like wanna cry on the spot in the shop!!(I come home memang cry pun-->In my room where no ones know)
Everyone rushing us...And I want fast and this BOSS(My mum loh)..Says I wrong again!!Say I very slowlah...Very un-strategic lah..This lah..That lah...
Everything my wrong or NOT MY WRONG also she'll blame me...She dropped her glass or etc..She'll says "Look at what you have done??You *(^$%@$@(*^$^#%*^......

Grrrrrrrrrrrr.......Feeling wanna get out from this house and NEVER come back..But where I can go?So know kumpul duit and ready to run away anythime!=.="

DBSK is love @ 7:46 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Daily 'event'....,♥

Like the title says...
Today is CNY 4th day and 'perang dunia' ke-3 happen again between Me VS Mum...
1stly-->My dad was swearing my puppy that she gonna die now*coz she was sick and vomiting*..Then I told him "Touchwood..Dont swear her like that"..Then I dont know why?My mum shouted "SHUT UP!" to me...Am I wrong??I'm so mad that time so I just shut my door and stay in my room!
2ndly-->The 1st one settle...Then I want to make some milk for my puppy because she was very 'energetic-less'...I find in the fridge no milk..I ask my mum.."Where's the milk??"..."Behind the spoon and fork!!"she said...I 'scratching my head'.."Huh???"...I went to find..Takda!!"WHERE IS THE MILK??" I ask again!!...."Behind the spoon and fork"..."Where???"...Then she point at the place where we put the wet and washed plate to dry up!..I was like WTH..You called that spoon and fork...

Now she keep scolding in the kitchen.."Nowdays kids useless one lah..Dunno how to respect elders..Tau lawan cakap saja...Buat sakit hati...You think I like to talk to her??I talk to her also just to layan her only mah"...

WASEH~Talk to me just to layan me??Fine!!Try not to talk to me for the rest of YOURS and MY life!We'll see!!!

p/s:-->Im so freaking MAD now!!Feel like wanna 'finish' this computer!DANG~

DBSK is love @ 3:30 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009
Cross the country,♥

edToday SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh student cross-ed the country..
Suddenly so formal!~
As usual..My friend will top-10 one lah!!!Biasa already!~Quite fun today..I pecah my own record...Satisfied also lah!Next year must pecah this year record also!!!

This year events all bring forward already..Chinese New Year forward..Sports Day forward..Cross-country forward*but passed*...but the most important is PMR ALSO BRING FORWARD!!TT

But it's better for PMR to bring forward..So we cepat habis takut..Then many time to "ENJOY'!!!~Hahahaha~

OK lah..I lari first..Go rest..Tomorrow TAEKWONDO time..Yesssss!!!!

DBSK is love @ 8:20 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year,♥

Well...as the title says..6 days more for CNY..Everyone ready for it?Ready to add weight?Ready to receive/giving angpau *especially to me*?

Tomorrow is my cross-country day..But still..after that activity..left 80 minutes to school dismiss..Still got class..Why dont just let us..Go home early..haiz!Last year and previous year were held on Saturday but this year on Friday...=.="

And now..I'm falling in LOVE..with Mathematics and Science..I gonna LOVE them..muaxxx!!
Great..Now I'm clue-less and speech-less..Maybe till then for this time..Bubye everyone!!

P/s:-Happe Chinese New Year to everyone who celebrate it!May God bless you!

I MUST WATCH that program on 3rd day New Year..Or else..Regretful lah then!!


DBSK is love @ 2:22 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009
Science Class,♥

Today Science class was totally fun..My teacher shouting and panic-ing us with the question..And eveyone were scared and hurry-ing finding the answer I got the answer and answered teacher's question..Thank God I'm correct!
Fuih..Really heart attack..But It's fun..

Looking forward for tomorrow's Science class!

DBSK is love @ 8:01 AM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The third day of school!
I'm in the 4th class!
The Pengetua change the class name hundred and millions times till everyone including the teacher and student also LOST when going to the classes!
Why she keep doing this?Haiz!!
My coming exam is on MARCH and PMR this year!Haiz!
Must Gambateh!!!

Do you believe?My class consist 31 students and only 4 are non-muslims!All others Muslims!So hard to communicate..Haiz!What to do?And the worst thing is I'm separated from my gengs members..One go another class..I go other class..and 2 other go other class!TT.....

And the best thing is this week,we gonna start our first training of taekwondo this week!Yay!Can't wait to get my red belt..hehehe!

DBSK is love @ 4:33 AM


~Konbawa/Annyeong Haseyo.. Lizzie-chan des..I'm a HUGE [GIANT] fan of Orange Range/KCB/DBSK/Super Junior.. If you like them too,message me at the Cbox and I'll link you!>.<.. If you are member of these band..YOU ARE GIANTLY WELCOME HERE..XDD


Annyeong haseyo~Chaw Ner 송 제 조온 imnida~
I'm 15 this year(DOB 3/3/1994) and I'm from Ipoh...
This year gonna face PMR but I wont hiatus!!XDD But unfortunately..I'm hiatus-ing now..T^T Orange Range & KCB-sama..I miss you!!*sobsob*

♥ Chats.

♥ Playlist.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Credits.

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Basecodes: Zahra LOVE-
Image: photobucket
Cursor: Dorischu/Boomspeed