♥Friday, February 27, 2009
Please Support!,♥
To anyone that interested in Dong Bang Shin Ki and wants to be their official cassiopeia!
Do visit this website and register to be one part of the Malaysia Cassiopeia!^^
http://www.official-my-tvxq.com/Help us to spread the news to other Dong Bang Shin Ki fans and hurry up!
Time are just between 1 March 2009-31 March 2009!
Grab this chance to show our cassiopeia love to them!!
DBSK is love @ 3:28 AM
Hari Sukan!,♥
As the title says..My school SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh held their Hari Sukan kali ke-58 today!So I gonna talk less and more pictures!!But I'm so sorry*bows* coz some of the pictures are back viewed coz I cant go to the front coz later teacher 'shoot' me!!So sorry!*bows*
So here we go!!
Taekwondo ready for perbarisan!the form 6 jie jie can pose somemore!=.="
This makes me rolling on floor!XDD
Setia mascot and the 'puteri'..*rolling on floor*
DBSK is love @ 12:21 AM
♥Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today my school got another Sports Day rehersal..Thank God today morning whether is not hot and a little bit rain!No sun at all during the rehersal..So nice..Hope that on Sports Day like this also..Must rajin do the 'patung hujan'..
Then after rehersal we should go back class and study..But me and WaiLing and few other girls hide in the Bilik Rawatan and lepak..All sleeping in the room..So nice!
From 11.30am lepak till balik 1.30pm..haha~I and WaiLing talks about family,cosplay.taekwondo club,experience and etc etc~Other one jie jie slept on the bed already also!
In that room got 2 bed..I and WaiLing sleep on bed another 2 jie jie sleep one bed..One more very kesian..Sleep on the floor!XDD
But we heart attack also when someone open the door..Both of us were chatting while lying down..Suddenly people open door..Quickly close eyes and pretend sleeping!XDD
First time ponteng kelas..very fun leh!XDD
And today I got my taekwondo new t-shirt..This is how it looks like!!

the front!

the back look!
Nice ar?For me it nice lah..OK lah..But I still prefer that old one..the dark blue with a cute picture at the corner one!
I went home with this cloth..My dad first respone was "Why Black and White?You know what it means right?"And that time the string*in white* that I used to tied the cloth was tied at my hand coz I saja main-main..My dad the continued "Tied white string somemore"..I think chinese people who reading this should know what my dad means!Coz for chinese people white and black represent 'funeral' and bad luck..haiz!My dad sometimes kolot abit..You see my cloth cupboard..Black cloth not more then 5 one!=.="
DBSK is love @ 10:53 PM
Just wanna post this!,♥
I realised that I have a few pictures to share but I keep forgetting to post it up!
Now sekali gus I post loh!

Yee sang that my family and I had last chinese new year!Although this is the smallest size..Still we cant finish it..=.=;;

This cake was bought 4 days ago and just finish yesterday!Hahaha~Dont know why suddenly my mum and dad who 'never buy a cake for 10 years' bought this home..With the message "Good Luck" somemore!!>.<;;

And this is make by me today!I was doing my school kerja kayu..Got kayu extra..Then done this out..I do what I planned about this!But it end up like this ugly look!haiz!Gagal already!T^T
DBSK is love @ 5:14 AM
♥Monday, February 23, 2009
Today memang I tak stayback for kawad..I told 'A' that I'll not stayback..Nezumi-san is there too that time...'A' says "Kalau ikutkan hati memang saya nak denda mereka yang tak stayback"...
When I told her that I wont come..I see her expression like nothing only..Arghh..Lantak her lah!
Then today raptai sukan..Damn hot the sun..Standing middle of the field like chicken roaster...Dah masak pun..Can eat already!=.="
Today raptai also hot till OMG!Later the real hari sukan there if I faint remember call ambulance for me ya!Later the hari sukan have to stand and roast under the HOT sun to listen the rubbish talked by the Principal and PIBG president..haiz..I come home I straight Zzzz already today..Very tired..One homework also haven't touch..Die lah me tomorrow!
Argghhhhh!!!Now very confuse and dont know what to do ar!!!Hate it!!NOOOOOOOOOOO~
DBSK is love @ 4:51 AM
♥Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today as usual..Nothing to do..Actually I planned to go back Motion Master Studio and resume my breakdance but my mum still don't let me go!TT
So nothing to do..Read my 4 new gempak comics loh..And hey guys..Try read that Mini Love and Angle Boy..It's Thailand and Siam's product..Still very nice...Although the drawing not like Japanese that hebat but yet the story line very awesome..
And one more is when today when I'm in my mum shop..Settle everything already..Want to go home already..then suddenly rain cats and dogs..I went out to take umbrella for mum..0.10% wet already..Then when help my mum use umbrella cover her from rain I didnt cover myself coz I focus the umbrella on her..10% wet...Do the same thing for few times..40% wet...
Then I told my mum I'm wet..She says "Aiya..That one call kecil hal lah..When I'm small..Hujan lebat I'm walking home.."Then I when out and in without using umbrella..I sengaja one..Nak main air hujan mah...My mum dont care..She let me play..Then that time sudah 90% wet already..Then go help my mum put the detergent into the cupboard outside there and now 100% WET!
I went in the restaurant find my mum who is 'tapau'-ing food for my dad..Everyone was like O.o..."OMG!Look at that girl"...Hahahaha~I like that!!Then my mum's friends(the workers there) also says "Wah..You didnt use umbrella kah???"Padahal I holding the umbrella but not using it..Open the umbrella and walk without using the opened umbrella..So do my mum..The aunty say Both of us lawan basah..Hahahaha~So fun..
My mum also says when she small walk back masa hujan lebat,sampai her rumah,she took off her shoe and upside down it..The water all like the cawan tupah air..Hahaha~
That time my shoe actually flood already..
I really wanna die lah..Having fever still go play rain water..But who cares..Fever also have to work one lah...Better enjoy now while I still alive..Who knows maybe I'm not gonna be in this world tomorrow..No one knows what happen next..Right??So enjoy while you can enjoy...
But still yesterdays happens are still in my mind..I wanna cry thinking about it..*Please get that thing out my mind!!!*
Seelah tomorrow..Sure I wont stayback..Lantak her..If can I want 'yat phou kiu hei hui'...But if I do so I rugi jugak..So I 'ting ngan seong'..Let's Gambate together!!!Yosh!
DBSK is love @ 12:31 AM
♥Friday, February 20, 2009
I don't know what to say!,♥
I have good news and bad news..
Which one first??Anything lah~
Good news-->Today is the first time since I join taekwondo for 3 years that almost 50 members are here!!!XDDHontoni Yukata!
Now the bad news-->After class got marching for the Sports Day which is on this coming Friday...Ai-Chan's leg was injured due to 'jatuh longkang' coz of marching also..And her leg is injured..Usually she jalan also very pain already..Now want to marching somemore??Of course she cannot tahan..But the 'BELOVED president says "Why Taekwondo you can do Now marching cannot????"Hellllo???Taekwondo not tumpu on leg only??Got use hand also..But marching TUMPU on leg!!I saw Ai-chan hugging KM and sobbing...I pat-pat her..Then she OK..Sit tepi and watch only..Then that hawa cannot march coz masuk that 'tarian penguin'...So Ai-chan says she ganti hawa's place?We dont let her join but she says she OK..
I know that she paksa herself to march...March punya march..Sampai behind lab..That ****ing president say this day have to stayback that day have to stayback..I malas layan her also..I feel like want to tell her.."I cant come for any day punya stayback also"..And you see lah..Sure I wont come later especially Monday..You know?Now days I always ponteng sekolah on Hari Isnin coz I dont like school finish 2.30pm..Too late man..Plus on this few days I not feeling well...Go school also dizzy..That day Jumaat school finish 12.30pm also I feel like 7pm..I really hate school finish late..Plus want me to stay-back for that bloodyfull stay back?You think I robot?I need rest lah...***hole...
Then finish her rubbish talking..Raku-chan suggested to have rest coz we are marching under a 12pm hot sun..sure everyone thirsty..She tak layan her..A form 6 jie jie say do one more round then rest so we do loh..At last Ai-chan end up falling middle of the field crying in pain..I and Raku-chan asking her is she OK..She keep crying..The St.John's(Penny-san,Eshan) ran to us..And so do a jie jie don't know who but she is our school olahragawati...She dukung Ai-chan to bilik sakit and the St.John spray her with something don't know what..I and Raku-chan kena halau stay outside...
That time I saw her crying on the bed..I feel so 'sum up' already..And Penny ran to that ***hole asking her why still let her march???
Then she came back pull Raku-chan at the bilik sakit's door side..Telling her:
Penny:She said what lying is she doing again?
And that time Raku-chan start crying already..And that is the first time since I know her seeing her crying..Then Penny and all walk away already..I pat-pat Raku-chan..And myself get affected crying..And I start crying also..I feel guilty and sorry to Ai-chan..Don't ask me why coz myself don't know why!!TT_TT
I went in see Ai-chan..That school olahragawati jie jie ask why are our eyes red??Then we just keep quite and Ai-chan wanna wake up go find that ***hole..I push her back to the bed...I really mean to push her that time because I dont want her to hurt herself again..That jie jie give Ai-chan a nag..I went out,walk to the Makmal Science front and use my handkerchief close my face and cry again..Penny came a pats me..She advise me to be strong(Arigatou Penny-san)...I stopped crying coz I decide to cry at home later...Then I walk back there...Sat down at the stairs in front bilik sakit..Think about something..And Ai-chan coming out I faster follow her..
To dataran..Saw that ***hole sitting with the Form 6 jie jie in one group..Why?She want to 'chat hai'??She didn't even dare to look at me,Raku-chan and Ai-chan...She use her towel cover her face and look at the jie jie..I think she asking the jie jie to translate with what Ai-chan saying to them...Lantaklah...
Then sampai pondok..Raku-chan's Oka-san is here..So she went back..And came back say that Ai-chan's Oka-san also here already..So she go back..I went back to pondok and almost cry out again..Then Ai-chan came back say fetch me home..(Arigatou Ai-chan and Gomen-ne if I trouble)...Then sampai my house,Oto-san is at home...Why didn't come fetch me and terpaksa Ai-chan's oka-san fetch me..I feel so malu to Ai-chan's Oka-san..Then I show Ai-chan my cosplay boots coz she wants to see..My puppy keep barking at her..Hahaha~First time she her mah...
But I'm still thinking is that ***hole really cold blooded??Even when I'm injured or sick or anything..She NEVER say anything like take care,get well soon or anything like that..Like now I sick(fever,cough,sore throat,flu)also she doesn't care..And I yang beria-ia always alert about her..Watashi-wa hontoni baka...I think this is another reason that makes me cry again...
Gomen-ne Ai-chan~
Gomen-ne Raku-chan~
Take care Ai-chan~
Remember must not take cold stuff,drink more water,dont eat 'poison' stuff,and remember put ice at your foot..OK?God bless you and get well soon~
DBSK is love @ 11:17 PM
♥Monday, February 16, 2009
No school!,♥
Didn't got to school also today..Bangun only pening-pening and almost fainted...So my mum ask me not to go to school..then I see how is my condition this evening..If OK I go school marching practice..If really cannot means Gomen-nasai,senpai!!TT
Aiyo..two days didnt go school..Tomorrow have to catch up all the homeworks and the silibus lah!*faint*
Now..I must semangatkan myself and go for marching!*yosh!*
but my sore throat is so damn pain when swallow stuff!!TT
So minna-san,You all must drink more water in this damn hot weather if you dont want to get sick like me!!TT
DBSK is love @ 4:27 PM
Yesterday still OK suddenly at night fall sick..So today I didnt go to school..Having fever,headache and sore throat..Didnt go see doctor..Just eat 2 tablets of Panadol..
Then kena marah from my dad and mum say me lazy lah...useless lah..this lah that lah..Then I cried!TT
Tomorrow got taekwondo marching after school 3 till 5..Dont know can tahan or not..But I'll try my best..Jia You..Gambateh..Hwaiting!
DBSK is love @ 4:40 AM
♥Saturday, February 14, 2009
Like usual Sunday,Have to work..But today my dad's side punya worker(one only) didnt come work without telling us first...Then kesian my dad have to work alone!But he successfully did it!!Hontoni yukata!!!Oto-sama..anata hontoni sugoii!!XDD
Today is Anderson school 100 years anniversary..My breakdance centre Motion Master Studio(MMS) going to perform there at night..And at the same time my friends who from MMS also going to have a battle between a new crew named B. Sixty 1 crew(If i not mistaken)..But I watched their video..They are kinda like not my friends lawan..Cannot fight with them lah!!
That's why I want to go Anderson tonight..See performance and watch them battle...Can wait to watch the battle between Soul Crew VS B. Sixty 1 Crew!!!XDD..I'll add the video next if I go!!XDD

And you know what..Today when I finish work on the way go back...My mum's car wiper got a big grasshopper...This is the picture!

Hope this grasshopper bring my family luck!!^^
And then..I realised that a bird is making nest on top the car parking...Making the nest on the Chinese New Year lanterns!!See:

Then my puppy nak bermanja-manja somemore!!

Sit at the middle and inside the house like the house owner lah pulak!!!=.="
DBSK is love @ 11:53 PM
Happy Valentines Everyone!
Haiz!Long time didnt online here!!Shit..I didnt online for so long due to her nag and I become good girl..But shit..Now she ask me go help her again!Can you let me online as long as I want today??Its Valentines and weekend..If school day lain cakap never mind...Weekend also she dont want to let me go?I WANNA TELL HER SO but 100% she'll twist my words back...
Few days before,my dad was sick and vomiting...He was like half died and now..Energetic till can start scolding people...What lah!
I feel like mve this computer into my room..Shut my room and put a BIG notice outside saying do not disturb*which I now sticking on my room door!*
Today Valentines I got school also..But my Valentines present is what you know??It's IGNORANCE!Yay for me!!!!!>.<"
Here we go..My mother comparing other people's daughter with me!!Go lah!Go have her as your daughter since you praise her so much..Say her so hardworking while Im so lazy..Go la if you want!!
And one more to say..You know today is school day and I must go school or else Principal will chase after me!I said I must go school and you know what my mum said??"You dont lie lah.."Somemore she said "Nowdays students very damn 'ma fan'...Weekend got this got that.."
Im thinking in myself "You want me to stop schooling and help you work in the shop is it?"
Cant there compare between working and schooling at my age??Damn it!
I want to $#@$$#Y@$#$@#R%*$%@#%#$&T(^@!$@#^%^(*^&& people now!!!
DBSK is love @ 12:18 AM
♥Monday, February 9, 2009
A day~,♥
Today my Bahasa Melayu teacher Pn.'Z' came in...And she called all the names that late or didnt pass up the book...I was one of them!=.="
I wasnt did not pass up but just I late pass up..Coz our 'beloved' prinicipal change the time table and this teacher start to teach us!
On the first day she came in she told us this and that..But I wasnt paying attention what she is craping in front there coz I was DAMN sleepy coz I slept 4 am last night and woke up 6 am...TT
I didnt hear that have to pass up the tatabahasa book on the next day which I only find it out on the next day!So I pass up late one day..Then she start blaming me(but I know I got a bit wrong also)...She said "On that next day I didnt receive your book also..You know when I took the books go home to mark??It's on FRIDAY!But I got your book this morning!"
How do I know where the hell the book went?I passed it up to the class monitor and how do I know?
And my beside friend was absent that day so the dont know that have to pass up!Teacher ask her why?Then she told her that she was absent!The teacher checked the buku ponteng and said..Why is the attendance full?Where were you?I and her were like huh?o.O"
Now I realised!Not just parents wont believe or understand us!Even teachers!haiz!
Plus on this teacher's voice is so DAMN sharp..My ears almost bleed when hearing her nag..Say this say that!!
Im thinking in myself.."U^W@#UI*^$%%$#U^*%#%@%#^"...........
DBSK is love @ 11:44 PM
♥Saturday, February 7, 2009
A taekwondo class!,♥
Today SF dont know went where?Late for the class!She didnt turn up till we finished the class!Talking about the class!My idiot knee pain suddenly attack me..Maybe coz I didnt wear my supporter!
Then YYY asked me to go out and rest..Dont join the training!
The conversation:
YYY:"You having your back pain dont come for training lah!Rest!"
Me: Sorry senior to fight you back!But taekwondo is my passion!Please dont stop me!And Im not having my back pain!
YYY:OK whatever pain!Just dont do!
Me:Sorry senior tp lawan again!But Idont wanna stop coz this is my passion!
YYY:I know it's your passion!I just asked you to rest!
Me:When I really pain I'll stop myself!
YYY:Good that you know!
Me:Thank You very much for the advised
But what makes me really sakit ahti is I pain also KM not attention on me!
And also...When I'm not having my back pain!After she says so I really had my back pain!Banyak mulut lah!
But everyone asked me to stop and sit at a side and rest!But I ignored them!I still training!Doing all the physical training!Jumping here running there!The she only call me once to stop but I ignored her because I almost done!And another time is She asked me go out sit and rest!I ignored her also!I dont want to rest!Let me die in pain!~
Then I'm too marah!I dont know why suddenly my FIRE all coming up!I went out behind the hall and DUM DUM DUM DUM!Hiting the wall with bare hand till bleed!-->Dont think I'm crazy!This is a way for someone that is IDIOT like me to express myself!
If she really care about me..Like how I care about her!She wont just asked these few times!She should have asking me whether am I alright after that?But SADLY she did not do so!Im so dissappointed!
With this reason I MUST NOT let them look down on me!I must do better t prove them!
Then between WL and AM...happen the perang dunia ke-3...You lawan me!I lawan you!
Really scary when AM marah!Her eyes are HUGE!
I really hope that taekwondo will be getting better later!Gambate!Wait till next year!Wait for the saviour of Taekwondo club to come back!I dont want Taekwondo club just FINISH like this!
DBSK is love @ 5:34 AM
♥Friday, February 6, 2009
Pecah Rekod..,♥
Today 100% brake my blog record!Today I didn't argue NOT EVEN ONCE with my mum!Unbelievable!But somehow I really thankz my friend,Kit Yee who gave me a good 'counseling' session!!She is really a GOOD and AWESOME counselor...
Today I really sleepy..I wanna sleep early and tomorrow need to go Taekwondo class!Yosh!Gambateh everyone!!Ohya Tomorrow got Marching practice for this month end's Sports Day!Ewwww..I dont like this marching thingy!I lebih rela if that marching practice time changed to Taekwondo lessong time!XDD
I really sleepy..If I dont go sleep now,I afraid I'll fall asleep on my computer...So I 'fly-first'..
GOOD NIGHT everyone!Dont sleep so late and take care!!^^
Oyasumi minna-san~XDD
DBSK is love @ 4:41 AM
♥Monday, February 2, 2009
I wanna express it again!!~TT,♥
Today after school which end at 2.10pm,went to market with my mum!!!Then go makan lunch aka dinner..Then balik rumah~Sampai at home also almost 5.00pm...I rest with INTERNET~
Then here come my DAD.."Go and do your homework now!Don't like today morning do homework at 3am..."
I said "I finish the homework in school already!Plus on I memang do work at night only can!Day time I cannot do homework..I'll sleep half way"...
"Then go do other stuff lah!Go iron baju!Help mummy slice the onions!Do this Do that!!!"
"Let me R.I.P"I said~
here comes the QUEEN OF THE WORLD!
"You better or this bloody computer now!This is my warning!!I kerja susah-payah you sit here..Wait masa lalu!!!"
"10 minutes lah"
"I TOLD YOU TO OFF THAT BLOODY COMPUTER!!!" -->Shouted from the kitchen!!SWT~
haiz!!Come home cannot R.I.P also!WTH~Cant you let me do something that I want to do!All also must this must that??
I'm so damn tired and now I even feel fainting!@@
Im having headache!!
But I know if tell her she must say I lasy...I useless...I giving excuse and etc!
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope tomorrow is not holiday!I want to go school..I DONT WANT TO STAY IN THIS HOUSE!!
Headache also cannot sit down awhile!
(^&$^#$%#$^Y ^*&**%^#$$#$@#$!@#@^%(&*)^%@#%-->This is my feeling!
DBSK is love @ 12:23 AM