
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My worst day in this year,♥

Yesterday I really have to admit that this is my WORST day in this year~
Yesterday my school got spot-check..I brought nothing illegal so I thought I dont have to worried..But that's not all..My file got pictures of DBSK and Super Junior as the file cover...I've asked a few prefects before and they all says can bring that as long as that thing is not poster...
Then today my file was SURROUNDED by prefects...First open my beg..Saw my pendrive...Took it out..Observe it..Then bring to ask senior "Can ah this?"..OK...Put back in my bag..Opne another zip..Nothing in that zip..Open the zip I put books..Take my pencil case out..Open..See got bring liquid paper or not..Nothing..Zip and put back..Got my little note book..Take that book and open page by page..See what I wrote..But all I wrote were homeworks & notes only..OK..Pass..Put back..Now my file...Saw the pictures...Then open inside and check see got bring anything or not..Nothing coz I only put kerja kursus paper..Now the picture..Ask another prefect..
Prefect A:-OK ar?
Prefect B:-OK kot..
*file surrounded by about 9 prefects*
Then they leave without taking the pictures...
Then another one came...Surround again..Leave without taking anything again...
Then another come and surround again!!
Then at last..Our 'BELOVED' ketua pengawas come and says RAMPAS..

But at least thank God..I able to save my Super Junior oppa..But DBSK oppa..Mianhamnida oppa!!T^T

That 'BELOVED' Ketua Pengawas is "TTOOO OVER GOOD"...Scared my file to heavy put all the pictures help me take some pictures..
I feel like wanna take a knife and lalu tepi her and "stab"...walk away while she's lying there..Nyawa-Nyawa Ikan!!

Now the second case:-
We just finish one week holiday..Come back to school surelah teacher ask for the kerja masa cuti..But some of them tak habis..Then they say tak bawa..So teacher 'shoot' us loh..Then ask..Got do your Monthly test's correction..Everyone look each other..
Student A:-"Teacher didnt ask us to do also?"
Teacher A:-"Who says I didnt say?Who got do?"
*one girl hands up*
Teacher A:-"See?Girl why you do?"
Student B:-"Teacher ask to do!"
Teacher A:-"See?"
Then as usual kena 'tembak' gau gau~

Now the third case:-
I go home and I forgot to bring along my new bottle..In the car,I give a little bit like penunjuk to my mum telling that I didnt bring my bottle..I dont know she got my mean or not?!Then when arrive home..As usual..Go bath..then eat..the computer..while that..My mum came and says she going to take a nap and that time is 4pm..she says MUST wake her up at 4.10pm..
When 4.10pm I feel sad bout her coz she woke up so early in the morning..so I give her rest till 4.45pm..
When I wake her up..
Mum:"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?"I asked you to wake me up at 4.10pm..Dont you understand language?
Me:I thought wanna give you rest abit more..Now also not really late mah..Just more 35 minutes only..
Mum:You think I no work to do?You are such a useless..Idiot..

I'm so depressed but I still tahan..

Fourth case:-
After the third case..I went to sleep..I locked my door but usually my mum will come and open cause I CANT close my room door one..But I insist to..Cause..When you are sleeping takkan you want to open the door and let people see?But this time she didnt come and touch the door also till I wake up at 8pm...
That also my dad come and bang my room door like wanna pecahkan my door..I that time just woke up surely my systems not really working yet mah..I didnt hear he said got phone call..I open the door and went back to sleep!XDD
Then he from outside says..
"You wanna answer your phone or not?"
I dont know what he craping so I just ignore him..
Then I hear he talk..
"Sorry Lizzie is sleeping..Who is on the line?"
Then I was like..

I went out and asked him.."Who's that?"
He answered "How do I know?You dont wanna answer mah..So I close the phone loh!!"..He talked in such a show-off way..

When my dad finish saying that..My mum from the kitchen shouted
"Gimme your bottle NOW!"

So I went back to my room and get my old bottle coz as I said..The new one left in school..
I bring that bottle to her and she said
"WHAT IS THIS?WHERE IS YOUR NEW ONE?"-->In a high tune way!
I answer her "I accidently left it in school"
The she start scolding me again
"You really useless..One stuff also dont know how to take care..Such an IDIOT"
Then I go out to the living room where my dad is reading newspaper there!
"That's why..Useless..Bagai kacang lupakan kulit"
(This means he thought I brought the old one to school and now have to use the new bottle)
Both of them scolding me IDOIT,STUPID,USELESS..etc etc

this time I really can't stand it anymore..I went out to the front yard and cried at the corner..That time dark already so no one gonna notice me at the corner mah..I cried and cried..My puppy came and sit by my side..
(*hugs my puppy*)

Then I go back into the house like nothing!!
Then at night my dad was using this computer to watch DVD..I told him to NOT switch off the computer coz I havent done my long list and my assignment..I done almost 80% and havent save it yet...

When almost 12am,after I finish my homework..I came out and I was like O.O
My assignment and the name list...

And I'm thinking thank you very much to him for making me to REDO everything from 0% again!!

AND YES!!That's is the worst day of my life...
And YES..This is yesterday case coz I'm half typing this also..Then he switch off my computer and makes me today only could post this thing!!

DBSK is love @ 4:57 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009
Hot Hot Hot...,♥

You know what??Today I watch Boys Over Flower episode 10 till episode 11..I'm screaming from the beginning till the end I'm telling you!!

First one...
Joon Pyo's mother not allowing JanDi and JoonPyo's relation so make JanDi embarrassed in front of JoonPyo..But JoonPyo dont care..He get rid of his mum's grip..Open the car door and walk towards JanDi and straight away KISS her on her lips!!!I'm screaming like WTF!!

Second one...
Ha Jae oppa saved JanDi oppa from some HAMSUP photographer..That was OMFG!!Plus that time HaJae oppa's clothing makes him so NAMJA look!!!I melts...

Third one..
JiHoo oppa tells JanDi onnie that his heart hurts when seeing her work so hard...

Fourth one...
JiHoo oppa playing the piano..

OMG!!!I havent finish watching episode 11 actually..Can stand it anymore...Must tell here..Or else I'll EXPLODE!!XDD

Anything else..I'll edit again later!!OMG!!!OMG!!OMG!!

DBSK is love @ 3:52 AM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
About Kim Hyun Joong,♥

... had ran away from home because he wanted to do music (blame Ultramania :P)
... almost died 3 times ...
... was almost starved to death coz he haven't eaten in days!
... ordered food from a restaurant, eat them all and ran away without paying LOL
... was almost beaten to death by two drunk men
... didn't get any allowance and worked for ALL the money he spent since he was young
... delivered pizza, newspaper and chicken and served at restaurants
... delivered chicken since grade 7 (@2500 won per hour)
... saved close to 100 million won from all these jobs ($72,000)
... opened a chicken restaurant with his friends from elementary school
... named his dog, Jaksalie
... only packs rice for lunch (with ketchup and mayo)
... made his parents get called to the police station ( a lot!)
... made his parents pay for medical bills and settlement money (err... )
... WAS rough and fierce but have learned to respect his elders.

I'm so moved~He had work so hard!!T^T
Credit: squidoo.com


DBSK is love @ 4:16 PM

~KimHyunJoong reveals His special gift For his Fans~,♥

At the peak of his popularity, SS501 ‘Flower Boy’ Kim Hyun Joong reveals the gift that he had announced previously. Kim Hyun Joong left a message ‘This is the gift that I’ve mentioned’ at his official homepage and also uploaded a video with the messages ‘Goodbye Yoon Ji Hoo’ and ’31-Mar, 9pm at Olympic Hall’.

Kim Hyun Joong is preparing to watch the last episode of KBS 2TV ‘Boys Over Flowers’ to be broadcasted on 31-Mar with his fans.

His gift for fans is to watch the last episode together as a group. In order to be able to watch the last episode together with his fans, Kim Hyun Joong plans to invite about 4,000 fans to fill the Olympic Hall at Seoul Olympic Park. The event will start at 9pm, 1 hour before the broadcast, with Kim Hyun Joong singing ‘Because I am Stupid’ which is a song from ‘Boys Over Flowers’ OST that garnered a lot of love for it.

Besides Kim Hyun Joong, all SS501 members namely Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Joon, will be attending this event on that day.

Kim Hyun Joong hinted for this special gift when he left a message at his fanclub homepage on white day, 14-Mar, which also includes a photo of rings made from sweets.

Kim Hyun Joong wrote in his message “Just wait and see. I will return soon with a bigger gift than sweets. To people who are having tough times at work, difficult times in school, our cute ahjumma who are rolling at home. The gift is free. I want to use the money I earn to buy you something.”

Fans responded enthusiastically and are waiting for the gift mentioned in Kim Hyun Joong’s message that he will return with a gift for fans with his hard-earned money.

In fact, Kim Hyun Joong paid for this event at Olympic hall on his own expense, and his fans are very touched when they found out about it.

He is so nice..I feel touched too!!I hope I can go..But I cant~
Mianhae HyunJoong oppa~
Oppa Hwaiting!!^^

Credits : economy.hankooki.com + SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com

DBSK is love @ 3:48 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Jang Ja Yun death truth..,♥

Recently deceased Boys Over Flowers actress Jang Ja Yun past and possible reasons for her suicide are beginning to surface.

First it was reported that she died of depression and there were even reports saying that her manager stated she was murdered, well, that might be true... to some extent.

It has now been exposed that the up and coming actress was beaten and forced to sleep with the Production Director (PD). Her manager is now revealing the gruesome first hand accounts of the suffering and assaults against her, despite her family not wanting this information to be leaked. Jang Ja Yun hand wrote documents listing her tragedies. Before her death, she asked her manager to expose the person responsible for her attacks. She told him she didn't want her family to think she died of just depression but from something far worse.

The manager has yet to reveal more specifics regarding the documents but he did state the contents to be very shocking and disturbing. He only said so far that there were incidents at room saloons and bars, and being forced to sleep with the Dirty Ass PD. Other abuse include being physically beaten with water bottles and receiving threatening text messages. All this abuse took place in the past year and even just week before she committed suicide, she went to the head of her company to ask for help from the harassment. But she was beaten and told to just endure it.

She confessed in her letters that she was forced to do the dirty deeds, because she had no money and was emotionally weak. Jang Ja Yun's manager made a public statement that although exposing her truth to the police and media is going against her family's wishes, he wants to see the person pay / punished for her death.

The manager is cooperating with police to bring the PD in question to justice. Currently, the PD is in Japan (wonder what he's up to?).... how convenient.

It's been reported that the manager has tried to commit suicide also after revealing this statement and is currently hospitalized. He tried to commit suicide to avoid any backlash from exposing the truth about Jang Ja Yun.


DBSK is love @ 6:48 PM

JanDi and JiHoo wedding photo..,♥

*Wedding photos of JanDi (Goo Hye Sun) and JiHoo (Kim Hyun Joong) were released'*' yesterday, teasers to the episode of Boys Over Flowers on 17th March has caused another topic on the internet amongst the netizens.

One of the photos even featured JanDi kissing JiHoo...

On this episode, JanDi had wanted to give the 2nd prize of a wedding photo conference to her sick younger brother, and she and JiHoo had taken part in the wedding photo conference together.

However, JanDi and JiHoo got the first prize which is a trip to JeJu island. JanDi was obviously sad with the results and JiHoo had pleaded the group who got 2nd price to exchange the prizes.

Some of the comments by netizens, “It is shocking to see that JanDi and JiHoo actually go well together”, “HwangBo said before, ‘HyunJoong ah, you said you won’t bring another woman with you to JeJu island’”, “what about JoonPyo and JanDi

Photo:-This picture really makes me wanna SCREAM!!>.< Credits:Shut up and DBSK~

DBSK is love @ 6:02 PM

Boys Over Flower(Hana Yori Dango),♥

Makino Tsukushi, a working-class girl, attends Eitoku Academy (英徳学園 Eitoku Gakuen), populated by children from rich, high-society families. She is the "weed" of the school, surrounded by all the rich kids, including the "Flower Four" (F4). The F4 leader and son of the wealthiest, most powerful family in Japan, Domyouji Tsukasa, takes an interest in Tsukushi, because she is the only girl at Eitoku who doesn't fawn over him. However, his hot-headed nature and bullying ways are originally a major turn-off for Tsukushi, who has her sights set on someone else (Hanazawa Rui).

The violinist Hanazawa Rui, Tsukasa's best friend, becomes Tsukushi's first serious romantic interest. He is a quiet and cold guy, but he has a soft spot for his close friend and Tsukushi's idol, the model Todou Shizuka, whom he harbored feelings for since childhood. His character is a bit complex, and always has changing feelings for Tsukushi, but above all cares about her in a friendly way.

The other two members of the F4 are Mimasaka Akira, the laid-back peacemaker of the group, and Nishikado Sōjirō, an unrepentant playboy. They both usually have at least one girlfriend at any one time; Akira prefers older women because the women of his household (his mother and two younger sisters) are quite silly. Sojiro is happy to be in casual relationships with many women, although we later discover that at one time he was in love with a childhood friend.

Over the course of the series, however, Tsukushi's feelings evolve, and she begins to appreciate the degree of change that occurred in Tsukasa once he fell in love with her. He becomes fiercely loyal to Tsukushi and believes in her beyond all doubt, and slowly gets her to see him in a different light. The physical obstacles and emotional challenges of their rocky high-school courtship form the basis of the story. Other themes include Tsukushi's attempt to fit in at the school, the problems of her family's lifestyle and income, and the decadent lifestyle of upper-class Japanese girls.

Main Actor/Actress!!

Koo Hye Sun(as Geum Jan Di)

Lee Min Ho(as Gu Jyun Pyo)

Kim Hyun Joong(as Ji Hoo)-->my favourtite oppa!!XD

Kim Bum(as ....)

Kim Joon(as ....)

DBSK is love @ 10:19 AM


Today I dont know why?
I'm having bad mood~
When going home from work time..That time I and amma have to wait for appa to come because
he went out to check the car..He check the car himself at home..Coz he is a very experinced mechanical...Then me and amma finish everything already..Only wait for appa to come!
I thirsty so I ask amma I wanna order drink..She ask me order carrot juice but I dont want then I go and order ABC...She suddenly come inside and like going home..I was like 'Eh?Go home lah?So fast appa come already??See see..Amma wanna go next door see people's art..=.="..Then she is like overjoyed..She said "Come lah come lah"..She turned around saw my ABC comed..She was like 100% changed mood..Then she start nagging me..

"You think now very free?Order this ABC..I dont have time one arr..Tell the worker that you bring the mangkuk sekali balik..Tomorrow give back.."O.O!!
"He knows how to repair car or not??Dont berlagak he knows how to repair lah"
When she says this last line I feeling to lawan her back saying..
"If he dont know how to repair you know how to repair??"
"You think repair car very easy??Touchwood and say..Kena the stuff could die anytime"
"You sell Chee Cheong Fun will die or not??"
But I know this sounds rude..So I just keep in heart plus if I say so..I think I'll get a slap from her on the spot..
And that time appa havent come and she have NOTHING to do!!
Can she just let me eat??
That time she eat sekali with me!!
While she eat she nag and nag and nag me none stop!!
Then go scold my dad!!

"Idiot..He should know what time we are going back...What the hell is he doing??"
*eat eat eat*
*start nag again*
"I feel like naik teksi and go back now"
"You think I very free?"
*buat muka geram*

I didnt care about her and keep eating till once....

"You wanna go home now?Wanna naik teksi and go home now right?Go lah..Go and stop a teksi and go back firstlah..Later appa come I bring the stuff and go home with him.."
"Why cant you just wait for him awhile?"
"And I wanna eat this ABC just let me eat lah"
"As if I NEVER seen an art before?"

*she makes angry face*
*me also make angry face*

Then she said..

"berlagak sombong lah you!!"
In chinese-->Lan lek lah lei!

I diam only..I finish the ABC and take out my MP4 from my beg and shut my ears with the headphone..

Then she said..
"The idiot come already"

She go and take a basket and masuk kereta..
I follow her back..Then when I go out she comes in take another thing..
My dad was like "Sorry late ya!!"
Then I merungut to him..

"Only people can wait for her??She cannot wait for people is it??"
"When people wait for her damn long..especially when she goes to Magnum/Toto/DaMaCai...People just says "Aiyo..So long one geh?"In a joking way..She will "WHY CANNOT WAIT IS IT??"

I see the time..We wait for appa not more then 20 minutes..She start scolding appa idiot..
When us wait for her more than 30 minutes..She expect us to not like her!!

I always wait for them 5 hours everytime..I havent say anything...Appa wait for her buy this buy that..He also havent say anything...

Then masuk kereta she asked

"What takes you so long?"

This time appa is mad..

"You think I repair car no need time ar??I need to cool down the car before start repairing it..The engine is damn hot and you wanna me to die?You wait here awhile will die is it??"

Amma just shut up..
Dont know what to say...

Just sometimes amma angry without having a better reasons...
She only thinks about her..
She didnt think about what people's ability doing something..
She thinks that she could do that other people MUST can do..

DBSK is love @ 9:33 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today my class got 5 didn't come..I think all fever because I have a friend fever after injection yeterday..Maybe it's their medicine effects??But why other not having fever??o.O..
Dont know lah..Yesterday inject ATT..If Im not mistaken,it's to fight infection if we injured like accident or anything..Then my eye have to test..haiz...Very bad man..My left eye 6/12 and my right eye 6/6..Left eye problem lah tu..Must be like rabbit now(follow Norfy unnie's suggestion)...A lot of people scared of that injection..All screaming when kena inject..Me like nothing only..Because I got tips how to kena inject mah..kekeke...Got people scare sampai pengsan!!XDD

Then today..Hmmmm...Basically nothing to say..Just today attend the ceramah from a physcologist..I think his name is Mr.Ramesh..not sure coz I masuk lambat.Do kerja jayu till my hand also kena gam gajah..Cannot tanggal now..The gam still sticking on my finger now..Thank God my fingers didn't stick together..

Now I start learning Korean..I have finally figure out how to write them..It's SSOO easy..As long as I memorised the basic words...I'm so happy..But this is just the beginning..Lot more to go!!Hwaiting~!!!

So far me got 6 test paper already..3A 2B and sadly 1C..T^T
A for Bahasa Melayu/Mathematic and English...
B for Geography and Science
C for SEJARAH!!!T^T...must pay attention on this!!

Haiz..Must woork harder..YOSH!!

DBSK is love @ 5:08 AM

Monday, March 9, 2009
Rest In Peace and May God Bless You,♥

One of my favourite actress in Boys Over Flower Jang Ja Yun who had acted as Sunny passed away on March 7..She commited suicide due to stress and the history that happen when she's around 16 years old where her parents involved in an accident and passed away..She had suffered big blow mentally that could not be healed easily...Plus on bashing from antis makes her feeling her life is very hard to go on..

According to the police, "Her sister has expressed that she had depression all along and it had gotten even worst recently. She would often shut herself in her room when she doesn't have any schedules." Her sister also revealed that in order to forget the pain bought on by her parents death, Ja Yun had tried all sorts of ways including rearing pets but it was to no avail. Visits to the hospital had increased recently to treat herself for depression but no one thought that Jang Ja Yun would eventually choose to commit suicide.

Police received a 119 emergency call yesterday evening from Ja Yun's sister and rushed to the scene. But it was too late when they got there as Ja Yun had already passed away a few hours ago by hanging herself from a railing along her stairs. No will or anything was left behind by her. The last known phonecall that Ja Yun made was to her friend yesterday at 2.30pm which seemed to have foreshadowed of what was going to happen next as she said that she was very tired and wanted to die. Jang Ja Yun's body will be cremated today..

Some of you may think that her act is ridiculous but we are not her and we cant feel her pain..We dont know how's her life behind all the smiles that she shown everytime in front of fans...

I just hope that she could find a spot in heaven and may God forgive all her wrong deeds and lighten her sins..May she always with God and hope she'll have a better life next birth...

Memory of Jang Ja Yun unnie:-

Jang Ja Yun(8/12/1982-7/3/2009)

Jang Ja Yun in memory.

We lost another talented and beautiful actress!T^T
Ja Yun unnie in Boys Over Flower as Sunny..

Once again..May unnie rest in Peace..

All photos credit to allkpop.com and Lizzie03..

DBSK is love @ 6:58 AM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The date 3-3 is here again!!And I'm older one year*hides and cries*..More challenges are coming!But I'll face it with my family and friends support..

A sound from dont know where: "Ooi,People birthday dont talk something like this lah"..macam orang sedih!!"

Huh??o.O..Owh OK then!Now more picture then crapping..

But need to crap firstlah~
You know?People birthday and on the same day people got test also!haiz!First day test!=.="
But thank god OK lah my test..No that good and not that bad..Then went home computer and computer and computer and computer..A lot of unnie(s) wishes me..Gamsahamnida(thank you) everyone who wished me!!^^

Then mandi,makan,go Jusco..Then me bought Dong Bang Shin Ki quite lastest album BOLERO!!

I present you my (so-called)present..DBSK's BOLERO*big claps*

My beloved DBSK oppa's BOLERO~Kyaaa~

Then come back also 11.30pm already!My dad go toilet..mum go masuk baju into the machine..me computer(like duhh~)..till 11.53..
Mum:"Laisze,faster cut cake..gonna be 12.00am already"
Me: "You all one do this one do that!!"
Mum:"You get ready the cake first loh!!"

Me ready the cake..OK done!
*sit in front the cake wait people come*
*burung gagak flies by*-->Guack..Guack!

*Lighten candle*

My cake with candles while BOLERO is played!!Kyaaa~

"Saengil Chukahamnida..
Saengil Chukahamnida..
Saengil chukahamnida laisze..
Saengil Chukahamnida"-->while playing BOLERO with Hi-5..

*dad comes and sit beside*
*me makes wishes*-->secret cannot tell!!>.<
*wait mum come baru tiup candle*

*mums runs come*

*cut cake*
*dad go tukar baju*
*mum go kitchen*
*me watching the cake like an idiot*
*divide cake myself*

Self -cutting cake and self-capture picture!!~lol~
*eat cake myself*
*fed my puppy with the cake*

*they come eat cake...then go tidur*
*me computer here*

This is my Birthday!!=.="
Nothing to comment bout it!
And I only know one thing!I MUST GO SLEEP NOW BEFORE MUM COME AND KILL ME on the second day of my birthday!!>.<

DBSK is love @ 8:05 AM


~Konbawa/Annyeong Haseyo.. Lizzie-chan des..I'm a HUGE [GIANT] fan of Orange Range/KCB/DBSK/Super Junior.. If you like them too,message me at the Cbox and I'll link you!>.<.. If you are member of these band..YOU ARE GIANTLY WELCOME HERE..XDD


Annyeong haseyo~Chaw Ner 송 제 조온 imnida~
I'm 15 this year(DOB 3/3/1994) and I'm from Ipoh...
This year gonna face PMR but I wont hiatus!!XDD But unfortunately..I'm hiatus-ing now..T^T Orange Range & KCB-sama..I miss you!!*sobsob*

♥ Chats.

♥ Playlist.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Credits.

Do not remove/change this, kindly credit me as basecodes(:

Basecodes: Zahra LOVE-
Image: photobucket
Cursor: Dorischu/Boomspeed