Michael Jackson had leave us forever..
I still remember when I saw 5,I used to hear his song(my dad also play it)..
And the first song that I heard is 'You are Not Alone' and 'Earth Song'...
Last night when I re-hear this song..I cant stop letting my tears roll down..
Actually,when my parents always say how ugly is he after he did the surgery..for me..He is just normal..everyone is different..
He doesnt satisfied with his look when he is young(like what people say still not mature yet)..so he went on doing the surgery and he confessed that he regret with this..
It's a very surprise for me to hear that he is away..
(I know this news when I heard it from my school teacher reading Sir. Param's notebook when he went to Yahoo..)
And yesterday I slept 3.00am just to watch his MVs air-ed in 8TV...
The talented people are leaving day by day..And soon..
Will these talented people gonna extinct?
No matter what,
I hope Michael Joseph Jackson will rest in peace and always bless by God.
And I hope his children and family will take care and dont be too sad..
And I hope everyone will appreciate the time that we have with our loves one..
Because it is too late for us to regret when they leave us!

Once again..
REST IN PEACE dear Michael Jackson!