
Saturday, June 27, 2009
~Farrah Fawcett~,♥

Not just Michael Jackson..Farrah Fawcett one of the main actress in one of my young-age-watch-movie Charlie Angels...

My mother loves to watch Charlie Angels...She always watch that when she is in Australia~
She passed away at 62 after had a brave battle with her cancer for so long~
Both of them passed away at the same day..
I hope they meet each other in the heaven...

Rest in peace to you too Farrah Fawcett~
May God bless you!

DBSK is love @ 3:22 AM

~Michael Jackson~,♥

Michael Jackson had leave us forever..
I still remember when I saw 5,I used to hear his song(my dad also play it)..
And the first song that I heard is 'You are Not Alone' and 'Earth Song'...
Last night when I re-hear this song..I cant stop letting my tears roll down..

Actually,when my parents always say how ugly is he after he did the surgery..for me..He is just normal..everyone is different..

He doesnt satisfied with his look when he is young(like what people say still not mature yet)..so he went on doing the surgery and he confessed that he regret with this..

It's a very surprise for me to hear that he is away..
(I know this news when I heard it from my school teacher reading Sir. Param's notebook when he went to Yahoo..)

And yesterday I slept 3.00am just to watch his MVs air-ed in 8TV...
The talented people are leaving day by day..And soon..

Will these talented people gonna extinct?

No matter what,
I hope Michael Joseph Jackson will rest in peace and always bless by God.
And I hope his children and family will take care and dont be too sad..
And I hope everyone will appreciate the time that we have with our loves one..
Because it is too late for us to regret when they leave us!

Once again..
REST IN PEACE dear Michael Jackson!

DBSK is love @ 3:05 AM

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Kim Heechul aka My Darling~,♥

I love you Tqah onnie..ChungMal SarangHamnida~
And chungMal Gamsahamnida for the pictures!!!
I love it VVVEEERRRYY much~>.<

My Heechul 'onnie'..XDD
Heechul oppa looks like in all colour hair!*melts*


Dont make me melts!>.<
He is singing for me!!*day-dreaming*

I love this the most!

At this moment..I hope I was HanJaeHeeBum!T^T

*melts till maximum*

"Annyeong..I'm Heechul's HanJaeHeeBum"

Me wanna shout "TAKE OFF TAKE OFF"..
And this is my favourite picture too..
And this will be my WALLPAPER!!XDD

Dont..I mean do this pose more!

Oppa..dont beat me with the boxing gloves..I'll love you more!!

Oppa..are you eating?Dongsaeng also want..*open mouth wide*

Oppa..I'm herr..where are you looking?

And oppa in Red hair(Dont Don season)

You know I love you!

You can see only people in this picture but actually there are 5..XD
Guess yourself!
E.L.F should know!XD

Which drama is this from?
I want this person!XDD

Oppa make recall back of my hair style when Im 5 years old!

*winks*MARRY U!!




At this moment I wanna be HanJaeHeeBum also..Coz wanna sleep with oppa..
And oppa loves that pijamas..

But shoot me with your cupid bow!XDD

All PICTURE credit to Tqah onnie ya!!

Here is some nice video about our Heechul...
Love it!!!

Watch the following video at your own risk...
Make sure you are not below 12 years old...
And get ready 2 dozen of tissue coz you may face nosebleed problem...
And dont comment something that may make me kick you out..


Super Junior Hwaiting!
Dong Bang Shin Ki Hwaiting!
SM Entertainment Hwaiting!
E.L.F Hwaiting!
Cassiopeia Hwaiting!


DBSK is love @ 7:00 AM

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hero JaeJoong ring~,♥

Yeah..Finally I've wait for so long..
Almost few months..
It finally arrive..
The postmen came and horn so loud in front my house...
My dad eating saw the postman and said..
"Go and see..Got parcel..Go verify it.."
*Open door,go out,walk to the postman*
Postman:Betul kamu punya ke?
Postman:OK..*ride motor and to the next house*
Me:*Eh?No need sign meh?Dont care lah..Eh?For Lizzie?o.O?*
*Open the parcel*
Jump here and there..
Finally the ring that cost me RM70 finally is here!XDD
The JaeJoongie's replica ring is here!!
Thanks to Sparkle Town@wenyen onnie~
Later I post the photo up!
Can't to show my friend~XDD
*witch laugh*

DBSK is love @ 7:45 AM


Cute or not?
The two kitten and the mummy sleeping~
And one more thing which is ignore the stuff around it!XDD
I named this two kitten as 'Hello' & 'Kitty'...
Very funny is it?
Two got a little bit difference..
Which is one more golden colour and another one less...
The more I call Kitty and the less I call Hello..
While the mummy...
*Temporary no-name*XDD
But the mummy very bad..
Dont let me go near them..
Even 3 meters..
But when my mum is here..The mummy come bermanja-manja with my mum..
Me she like wanna eat me!!T^T
Very sad..
Meanwhile Im the first who found them and give them food!T^T
Very heart-crash!T^T

DBSK is love @ 7:38 AM

~Commit Suicide~,♥

As the title said..

This is the wound that I make..
Almost kena my nerve already..
I almost 'forever goodbye' to everyone liao~

You really trust kah?
I was just joking lah...
That's the wound that the cat(previous post) make..
It scratches me...T^T
My leg also..
That day I accidentally slightly step on its leg and
But one thing very weird..
The cat scratch me should one line-like wound..
But my leg is not like that..
It's like a snake bite..
And now infection or what?
My leg now VERY itchy till now the wound getting bigger..
I close it with the cotton..
My parent dont know bout the infection..
My dad lagi teruk..
Dont even know the cat that scratch me..
Nevr mind lah..
Better that he dont know..
If he know sure 'shoot' the cat.....

Hope the wound wont get worse~

DBSK is love @ 7:26 AM


~Konbawa/Annyeong Haseyo.. Lizzie-chan des..I'm a HUGE [GIANT] fan of Orange Range/KCB/DBSK/Super Junior.. If you like them too,message me at the Cbox and I'll link you!>.<.. If you are member of these band..YOU ARE GIANTLY WELCOME HERE..XDD


Annyeong haseyo~Chaw Ner 송 제 조온 imnida~
I'm 15 this year(DOB 3/3/1994) and I'm from Ipoh...
This year gonna face PMR but I wont hiatus!!XDD But unfortunately..I'm hiatus-ing now..T^T Orange Range & KCB-sama..I miss you!!*sobsob*

♥ Chats.

♥ Playlist.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Credits.

Do not remove/change this, kindly credit me as basecodes(:

Basecodes: Zahra LOVE-
Image: photobucket
Cursor: Dorischu/Boomspeed